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Wellbeing programs

At 51ÉçÇø, we aim to ensure a safe and happy learning environment for all members of the school community. Our Pastoral Care structure is designed to allow all our students to grow and develop in a supportive and nurturing environment. The College has a code of rights and responsibilities that guide all relationships within both the Primary and Secondary campuses of the College. Student wellbeing is a collaborative partnership between, staff parents and carers and our school and parish community.

Our Primary school offers many programs and activities to promote student wellbeing including:

  • The Buddy system is a peer support program to assist students in Kindergarten and Year 1 transition to school. Kindergarten students are matched with a Year 6 buddy, and Year 1 students are matched with Year 5 students. These buddies meet regularly throughout the year and can lead to lifelong friendships.
  • is a mental health and wellbeing framework for primary schools and is proven to make a positive difference to the lives of Australian Children.
  • Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is about learning how to manage feelings, manage friendships and solve problems.
  • The Alannah & Madeline Foundation’s Framework is an initiative designed to create friendly and caring primary school communities where bullying is reduced.
  • (currently delivered in Year 5) explores the relationship girls have with each other and the world of girls’ aggression, including issues of bullying, cliques and how girls relate to one another.
  • (currently delivered in Year 5) acknowledges that anger is a normal emotion experienced by us all and looks at ways to change angry energy into positive action.
  • is a student-centred and volunteer-based mentoring programme. Our students are matched with volunteer mentors for weekly one-one learning & activity sessions designed to support, guide and enrich the well being and learning outcomes for the child.
  • A variety of lunch clubs operate each term and are facilitated by passionate and creative teachers and parents within the school community. Some examples include Chess, drawing, knitting, gardening and LEGO.

The Secondary College has developed a strong structure to support the student body. We have a Leader of Wellbeing who leads a strong team of six Leaders of Pastoral Care, one for each group. Each Leader of Pastoral Care usually stays with the same group from Year 7 to Year 12 to maintain Pastoral relationships and care as well as to organise year-relevant events such as camps and relevant extra-curricular activities such as year-appropriate Presenters from outside organisations.

  • Each year approximately 45 voluntary Year 9 students complete a 2-day training course on Peer Support. The following year they then become Peer Support buddies for Year 7. They then meet fortnightly throughout Term 1 to assist Year 7 in their transition to high school.
  • Senior students have been trained as Mentors for Restorative Justice which is a program that recognises the importance of restoring relationships when they have been strained or destroyed.
  • Each Tuesday we hold a sixth Period in our timetable which allows all Year 7 -10 students to assemble for special presentations including anti-bullying, cyber safety, anti-violence, road safety, mental health, and national days of celebrations.
  • A Pastoral year group meeting is held once a fortnight for students to discuss their goals for the year, to acknowledge the achievements of the group or of individuals, to plan for community service and many other activities organised by their relevant Leader of Pastoral Care.
  • A secondary Assembly is held every fortnight to acknowledge student achievements.
  • Josephites Undertaking Mission Projects (JUMP) was established at the end of 2017 and will be rolled out to each new Year 7 cohort in Term 4, replacing the program we called Community Service. So far, students have been able to participate in helping the homeless, local community organisations, fundraising, and promoting self-empowerment within the school
  • Thursday Sport was changed to Sport & Activity Afternoon (for Years 7-10) to include a variety of different activities that better support the different talents and interests of our students

The following is available to all members of our College community:

  • Counselling and support.
  • Parent Forums are offered on issues that are raised by parents such as anti-bullying, cyber safety, drug education, mental health and more.
  • Student Leadership opportunities.
  • Rock and Water program aims to apply a physical/social approach to assist boys and girls in their development to adulthood by increasing their self-realisation, self-confidence, self-respect, boundary awareness, self-awareness and intuition.
  • Mindfulness has been shown to increase positive emotions while reducing negative emotions & stress, help us tune out distractions and improve our memory and attention skills, foster compassion and enhance relationships. At 51ÉçÇø we support students and their understanding of being mindful – maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment.

At 51ÉçÇø, we all share a responsibility to create a culture of caring that will NOT tolerate bullying. We believe all members of the community have the right to a learning and work environment free from intimidation, humiliation and hurt. Please see the related documents below for more information.

CSO Anti-Bullying Policy