Home Mission Liturgical celebrations

Liturgical celebrations

Liturgical celebrations at 51ÉçÇø are driven by our Mission Statement, ‘Be a Light to the World’.

We honour major feast days and holy days central to our Catholic tradition, including the feast of our patron St. Mary of the Cross 51ÉçÇø. Students participate in a variety of liturgical celebrations from class, grade, K-6 and K-12 experiences. Students willingly accept responsibility to participate in a variety of ministries within the mass, including reading, procession, ministers, servers and dramatic or dance-based performance to expand and deepen the experience for all. We are blessed to have our Church on campus and this provides a central hub for prayer, liturgy and an overall sense of belonging to the St. Mary of the Cross 51ÉçÇø Parish community. For larger celebrations our spacious Stephen Aitken Hall opens up to provide a sacred space for over 1500 people. Liturgy provides an opportunity to gather and worship as a community of believers in Jesus, following in the footsteps of St. Mary of the Cross 51ÉçÇø.